Calendar of Events
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
7:00-8:30 pm, WSU Libraries
Celebrating America's
Story: The Cultural Legacy of the Great Depression
A presentation of sights and sounds from the 1930s, including
excerpts from the documentary Soul of a People, and music, photographs,
and films evoking the tone and texture of the period.
Presenter: Dr. Lorraine Madway, Curator of Special Collections and
University Archivist, WSU Libraries.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
7:00-8:30 pm, WSU Libraries
Writing America's Story: The Federal and
Kansas Writers' Projects
A panel discussion on the impact of the Great Depression in
Kansas and the work of the federal and Kansas Writers' Projects.
Panelists: Dr. Craig Miner and Dr. Jay Price, Department of History,
WSU, and Dr. Lorraine Madway, Curator of Special Collections and University
Archivist, WSU Libraries.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
7:00-8:30 pm, WSU Libraries
Telling America's Story: Oral Histories of
the Great Depression
Interpretative readings and a group discussion examining
selected oral histories from the Writers' Project "American Life Histories"
accessible at the library of Congress website
Presenters: Dr. Jay Price,
Department of History, WSU, and Dr. Lorraine Madway, Curator of Special
Collections and University Archivist, WSU Libraries.
You will enyoy this program more if you can read the thirteen
oral histories from the Writers’ Project “American Life Histories
accessible at the Library of Congress website,
To access these interviews, click on “Voices from the Thirties: An Introduction to the WPA Life Histories Collection.” On the next webpage, click on “Excerpts from Sample Interviews.” The interviews are divided into four themes: “All in a Day’s Work: Industrial Lore”; “Rank and File”; “Hard Times in the City: Testifying”; and “Making Do: Women and Work.”
Tuesday, June 16,
7:00-8:30 pm, Wichita Public Library, Rockwell Branch
One Writer's Stories: Selected Short Stories of John Cheever
A group discussion focusing on the work of John Cheever,
a writer who contributed to the Federal Writers' Project and later became an
important figure in American literary history. Led by Dr. Lorraine Madway, Curator of Special
Collections and University Archivist, WSU Libraries.
The following stories will be discussed:
Thirteen Uncollected Short Stories by John Cheever (Academy
Chicago Publishers, 1994) “The Autobiography of a
Drummer” - pages 37-44
“In Passing” - pages 45-83
“Bayonne” - pages 85-98
"The Princess” - pages 99-110
“The Teaser” - pages 111-120
John Cheever: Collected Short Stories and Other Writings
(Library of America, 2009)
The Enormous Radio” - pages 41-51
“The Season of Divorce” - pages 165-176
“O Youth and Beauty” - pages 254-263
“The Day the Pig Fell in the Well” - pages 264-284
“The Five-Forty-Eight” - pages 285-299
“The Housebreaker of Shady Hill” - pages
“The Bus to St. James” - pages 326-343
“The Scarlet Moving Van” - pages
“The Swimmer” - pages 726-737
Obtaining copies of the stories:
10 copies of both books are at Rockwell Library and available to be checked out.
Call Rockwell Library at 688-9361 to sign up for the discussion.
If copies of the books are not available, please email Lorraine Madway, and identify the name of the collection of short stories for which you are requesting a photocopy.
The copies will be available within two days for you to pick up in Special Collections and University Archives, Ablah Library at WSU.
There is no charge but photocopies will be made only on request to save paper and staff time needed for copying.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
2:00-4:00 pm, Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum
Finding the Sunny Side of the Street: Life in
1930s Wichita
A celebration creating a 1930s atmosphere with music, displays, videos, and
refreshments. Tour the 1930s exhibits in the Museum and enjoy
Depression-era games and an ice cream social outdoors in the park.
{More details to come}